SCAT and Satoshi: The Beginning of the Story

The Origins of SCAT with Satoshi, the Beginning of the Story.

SCAT is a charming little black cat that accompanied "Satoshi" (Satoshi Nakamoto). In the origins of digital currency, there lies a lesser-known story about a small black cat named SCAT, which was not only Satoshi's loyal companion but also a silent witness to the birth of Bitcoin. The story of SCAT is intertwined with the backdrop of the global financial crisis from 2007 to 2008, an economic storm triggered by the housing credit crisis that led to a loss of confidence in mortgage-backed securities, causing a liquidity crisis and ultimately leading to the global stock market crash in 2008. Despite central banks' attempts to stabilize the financial market by injecting substantial funds, the crisis could not be averted.

Against this historical backdrop, Satoshi, a gifted mathematician, programming enthusiast, and someone with a keen insight into the financial market, decided to take action. His kindness and pursuit of social justice made him unwilling to remain indifferent to the prevailing injustices. It was at this moment that SCAT—the small black cat found hiding under an apple tree near his home—became a member of Satoshi's family. SCAT's black fur, vacant yet round eyes, and its curiosity and affinity towards humans made it exceptionally lovable and naive. The kitten, scared of its new environment and with its eyes tightly shut, clutched a piece of dried cat feces until Satoshi's appearance offered it comfort and a new home.

SCAT developed a deep affection for Satoshi, often laying in front of the keyboard, quietly watching him work. As the financial crisis began to spread globally in September 2008, Satoshi felt an increasing sense of urgency. He strongly disapproved of the centralized control over the existing financial system and was determined to create a new economic system. During this period of intense work, SCAT was Satoshi's sole companion, staying by his side through 20-hour workdays until the completion of the "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" paper on October 30, 2008. This paper marked the birth of a decentralized ledger with the characteristics of immutability, irreversibility, and anonymity, one of the greatest innovations of the 21st century.

SCAT was not only a silent supporter during the creation of Bitcoin but also symbolized the warm and minor companionship behind significant historical moments. Through the story of SCAT, we can glimpse the brilliance of humanity in the process of birthing a great idea and the power of love and companionship amidst challenges and innovation.

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