The Birth of SCAT

On May 1st, the birth of SCAT symbolizes the unity and determination of the working class to fight oppression.

Satoshi Nakamoto's choice of April 5, 1975, as his symbolic "birthday" was not random but laden with profound historical and ironic significance. This date points to two significant events related to U.S. financial policy:

  1. On April 5, 1933, the U.S. government enacted Executive Order 6102, requiring citizens to surrender their gold holdings, except for certain permitted exceptions like jewelry and industrial use. This action aimed to prevent hoarding and strengthen the control of the Federal Reserve System but was also seen as a significant infringement on individual freedoms and property rights.

  2. In 1975, the U.S. finally lifted the restrictions on gold ownership, allowing people to freely buy and sell gold again. This change marked an essential turning point in U.S. financial policy, reestablishing the legitimacy of gold as a means of personal wealth storage.

Satoshi's choice of this date as his "birthday" seems to be a satire of American acts of bad faith and also expresses a stance against financial hegemony and centralized control. This attitude is further embodied in the creation of Bitcoin, especially through the message left in the Bitcoin genesis block:

The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

a direct quote from the headline of The Times on January 3, 2009, criticizing the response measures of Western countries during the economic crisis, especially the extensive printing of money and the prohibition of short selling in the stock market.

SCAT was deployed on May 1, 2023, a date that was also not chosen at random. May 1st, as International Workers' Day, symbolizes the unity and determination of the working class to fight oppression, further emphasizing the ideology behind SCAT and Bitcoin: opposing financial hegemony and seeking a decentralized and fair financial system. This stance against hegemony and the vision of achieving economic democratization through technological innovation are core themes of the Bitcoin and SCAT story.

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